Built Tough for Australian Conditions
Australian made & owned

Australia's most popular water tank gauge.
How IT Works
Just a simple mechanical float/weight/pulley system - no gimmicks,
no batteries. True reading too –unlike home-made gauges that read back to front, this gauge show true water level.
The weighted float and indicator are connected to the counter-weight by separate cords, each cord running over a pair of pulleys.
When the float is half-immersed everything is balanced.
Rising liquid level lifts the float up, the counterweight moves down, and the indicator keeps pace with the float. Falling liquid level causes the weighted float to pull the counter-weight up, and again, the indicator keeps pace with the float. At all times the indicator matches the liquid level exactly.

Bianco 60 PC
with Rainsaver

Biano 60 PC

Blutron 101
Round Troughs
500ltr cartage

Width: 1500mm
Depth: 500mm

Length 1400mm
Depth: 700mm

Width: 480mm
Length: 590mm
Height: 550mm